Review of The Kitchen Sink

Written by cubtat2

Rut-ro....someone's pregnant. Rut-ro....hmmm *thinking*

SWERSKY!! I love thee! *smile*

"I don't know how you guys do it in Philly, but that's his last warning." lol. I love Swersky.

Sully! Ty!! My children!! *hugs*

I have the urge for coffee cake and to sing "Leroy Brown"...hmmm *confused*

"Is he all here, though?" Awww. *hugs* I love it when he's protective.

"You can't keep ignoring me like this. I've called you." Umm, yeah, he can. *gives Ms. Rat a dirty look*

Carlos! Yaaaaa!! *hugs* You still need to grow up a lil, tho.

Ty: "Wait, what's going on with you?"
ECF: "Maybe I don't want to be around all these cops."
Ty: "Well, maybe you should get another job."

I for one would NOT be sad if he got another job. Boo frikkin hoo. *eyeroll*

The poor kid! Hiding in the cabinets. Oh man, what's he gonna do to her? OH MAN! *shuddergak* Oh icky. Bad. Icky bad.

A "Law and Order: SVU" promo! Sweet. I love that show. Not as much as TW, but I still love it. Even bought the 5th season on DVD a few weeks ago.

So it's the boy from a couple episodes ago. I just *knew* that Finney's number would come into play somewhere along the line.

Ben's dad has some serious problems. Or he's gone off his medication. Daymn.

Waitaminute...shouldn't Ty be going a little faster? Seems like they were doing the speed limit.

Oh man, the dad! Blood all over his face and he looks like he's off in another world. He's gotta be off whatever medication he is/was taking.

No, everything is NOT going to be fine. You stabbed the kid's mom and you're acting strange...

They shoulda taken the stairs! HELLO! Man, I should beat Finney with a stick.

Bloody footprints, the woman's alive, but no signs of Ben or his dad. Oh wait! They came out through the stairs. Duuu-wheeeeee

Eww, bloody sink.

This is the only way for what, CrazyDad?!?!

Ewww, blood coming out of mamma's back. Foamy bubbles. Bad. Very bad.

FINNEY, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY! Daymn. Are you stupid or something? *has a flashback to "Forrest Gump"* Man, I miss Bubba. *sigh*

FAITH!! She looks great.

"So you just gave him your card for the hell of it?" .*snicker* Faith rocks. I love that subtle smartass remark.

Yeah, CrazyDad IS crazy. Like padded-room crazy.

Poor Evelyn's husband. *hugs*

Harris makes Danny from "Forever Blue" look sane. Seriously. Harris is just...wrong. Danny was goofy. See, there's a difference.

FAITH! AGAIN! I love the way she looks. Even love her hat.

So CrazyDad use to work for a printing company and the sister thinks he stole. Umm, no, not this time

"He's sick, but he would never hurt anyone." That has to be the *lamest* line ever. You know how many times I've read stuff where people are sick and end up hurting and/or killing people and someone they know, usually relation, says that? They don't know what's going on in their mind or what they're breaking point is....oops, sorry. I'll get off the rant and get back to reviewing

Poor Ben. Not just because he was abducted by CrazyDad, but that his dad is crazy. Poor kid.

JELLY! I love Jelly! You want some chips? Bwhahahaha. I think the medication Faith mentioned is some kind of anti-psychotic.

RUN BEN, RUN!! Poor kid. Poor kid.

I wonder where the kid could be at...hmmm...

ABDi....hmmm...ABDi...*thinks* ABDi....hmmmm

Faith: "They're on the phone with him now. Have you heard of a machine called ABDi something?"
Jelly: "Sounds like a workout thing."

Bwhahahaha....yeah and Jelly would know workout I love Jelly. He's such a froot.

Thanks A LOT Finney. The last thing CrazyDad wanted to hear was that you were a cop. *beats Finney with a stick*

Faith and Jelly still don't know what "ABDi" means. And they call themselves "Detectives"? lol. I kid because I care...oh, btw, if you don't know, "ABDi" is part of "ABDick" Printing press stuff.

Whoohoo! Anti-psychotics! I love it when I'm right!

SULLY! .*hugs*

Sully: "What, did you finally eat up all the pizza in Manhattan?"
Jelly: "Ha-ha."

LMAO! They crack me up. I love them.

"He's talking about some machine with 'ABDi' on it."

"How about A.B. Dick?"

Bwhahaha. John Sullivan, King of Knowledge. I love him *hugs*

And I have a sudden urge for coffee cake...hmmm

BIG.............RED...............TRUCK!! Jelly and Faith FINALLY put it all together. ABDick, printing company...Duuuu-wheeee!! I still love them, though. Ah, but the Sully/Jelly exchange cracked me up.

Oh shiznit...CrazyDad's gonna cut his ex's and her new husband's throats if Ben runs away again? Daymn.

That fan spinning is spooky...*makes spooky noises* I am easily amused.

Ok, so why not shoot the tires out? I mean, HELLO!! They were, what, maybe 10 feet away from CrazyDad's car. Duuu-wheee!! Ah, but I guess it makes for good TV.

FAITH!! JELLY!! Yaaaaaa!!

Car chase, 3 cop cars, holding a knife to the boy's throat. Daymn.

So what's the point of CrazyDad taking the boy? Was he afraid that his ex's new husband would become Ben's dad? I...I'm confused, which seems to be happening to me a lot lately...

Holy ca-RAP!! CrazyDad slit his own throat. Jeez.

They went to commercial after Ty radioed to Central and I asked my dad, who was watching it with me, "What do we for the last 20 minutes?" My dad's response: "We watch him bleed out." All I could think of was "Cool!"

I know, we're twisted. Hehehehe.

So CrazyDad is still alive. Daymn. Looks like he's barely alive, tho.

Poor Ben. Poor, poor Ben. Even though his dad is crazy, he still loves him.

Oh damn, I want some of the break room's snacks! Soup, crackers, peanut butter (Although I prefer Jif over Skippy).

Poor Carlos *hugs* Just damn. *hugs* Holly will come back, trust me.

Finney, you know what, just get it over with and start crying. He's had that "on the verge of tears" look for a few episodes and quite frankly, I'm sick of seeing it.

They haven't fixed the mirror from Ty's outburst two weeks ago?!?! Wha?!?! Oh, ewww, there's Ms. Rat. Just eww. STAY AWAY FROM TY!!

So needs to talk to him about what? *confused* She's gonna ride with Sully? Excuse me?!?! I think I should go get my stick ready....

"We can't fix this. You need to get that through your head. I appreciate what you did, taking down C.T. Finney. Doesn't change things." Yaaaa!! .*hugs*

"I miss you." Oh, gag me. You can say that all you want, Ms. Rat, BUT IT DOESN'T CHANGE THINGS! Got it?

"Well, you should have thought about that before you stabbed me in the back." YES! I love Ty.

Ty: "You should have told me who you were, Sasha."
Ms. Rat: "But you wouldn't have stayed with me."
Ty: "How do you know that? How do you know that? You have no idea what I would have done for you."
Ms. Rat: "But can we...can we just go someplace and have a conversation about this?"
Ty: "I'm done. I'm done talking to you."

YES! Me loves Ty. Even when he's upset like that. His "How do you know that?" reminds me of when I found out that my ex-best friend was gay. Yeah, my best friend for most of my life was a guy and he never told me, but told everyone else that he knew, that he was gay. I found out, confronted him and his response was "I didn't know how you would react." Ya see, I'm the kind of person that if you have something to tell me or have a beef with me, you tell me. You don't tell everyone else and then I have to find out from a mutual friend (That's how I found out). I would have been fine with it if he had told me himself. Unfortunately, we no longer speak to one another, due to a long list of things that happened as a result of me finding out through that mutual friend.

Whoopsie. I'll quit ranting and get back to the review.

YES!!!! A Doc reference!!! I miss Doc. SaneDoc, not CrazyDoc.

Ewww, more ECF/Grace...*snooze* Oh gak "Boyfriend and girlfriend." Gak. What, is ECF 16 or something?!?!

Carlos: "Kiss him, stupid!"
Grace: Go home, Carlos"
Carlos: Amateur."

Bwhahahaha. I love Carlos. But he still misses Holly. Carlos, she will come back. Have faith and patience.

I didn't mention this before, but I like how they incorporated the blue strip from the pregnancy test in with the curtains and the painting...but who's pregna...OH CA-RAP!! It's Ms. Rat. *dry heaves* *shuddergak* So that's why she's so desperate to get back together with Ty. Yuck.

I'm not going to speak of her being pregnant again. Ever. That's just...ewww.

Next week looks good. Helen Mirren guest stars, Bosco and Faith have a conversation; although I wonder what leads up to Faith's "That's not fair"; and two bodies in a casket. Oooh, that does look good.

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