Review of More Monsters

Written by cubtat2

Holy mother. . .just amazing. The four month and 10 day wait was oh so worth it!

A couple new scenes mixed in with what was basically the last few minutes of last season's finale. Kim walking out of the room, Ty talking to Jelly about the wake's bomb dood, him finding out from Jelly that there was another bomb, the doctor telling Sully (who will be known from now on as Papa Bear. Just don't ask.) that he needs stitches. "I hate stitches." (Ok, first giggle moment of the season.) You want me to hold your hand sweetie? Or how about I just stab you in the arm with a fork. At least that would get your mind off the stitches. *snicker*

Then the gunmen opening fire on Ty, Cruz, Faith and Bosco. HOLY HELL!! AHHHHHH!! YIKES! BOSCO! I about yakked on the floor. No lie. Parental Discretion is absolutely right! All that blood, oh my, oh my. Faith protecting her partner. . .how. . .um, sweet? *confused*

Wait a tick! How could the glass break behind the bad dood after Ty ducks? Yeah, ok. THERE'S PAPA BEAR! Protecting his cub again! Oooh, .right in the knee. That has to sting. . .Uh oh. . .no more bullets! Dum dum dum. . .BUT THERE'S JELLY!! Oooh, right in the noggin. THAT has to hurt. Oh, and Sul, GET YOUR JAW OFF THE FLOOR. Thank you.

Ty, darlin, where were you? You could have at least one-upped with Sul. Ya know, you save him, he saves you, you save him. *eyeroll* Kids these days.

Sully's frazzled? The cynic veteran?!?! What is this world coming to?

Cruz slides and she's. . .SAFE!! SAFE AT SECOND! No wait. . .she shoots the bad dood in the leg, he falls down, gun slides and he goes to get it when. . .ooh. . PAPA BEAR. . .right in the arm. That's gonna leave a mark. Just so cool the way he did it too. . .just step right out and boom! Hahahaha. "Next one will be between your eyes." What a bitch! Ha! But she does TCB. I'll give her that!

Carlos NOOOOO!!! See what you get? Huh? Thrown through a window. BAD CARLOS! But here's SuperTy. Wheeeeeee!!

I had no clue that the fight would be that graphic, but I have to admit, Ty does kick some major ass. I couldn't believe that the bad dood hit Monroe that hard. And choking her? Ok, maybe I could see that, but not to the point of passing out. . .but here's SUPERTY!! Um, OW!

"The whole ER is a crime scene." NO, REALLY?!?! There were a handful of bad doods just in there shooting at anything that moved and you're saying it's a crime scene? Thank you, Queen of the Obvious!

Faith working on Bosco. . . you can tell she loves him. Seriously. Ya know, I never believed that they loved each other before, but now I do. They get him into a room and show what's left of his face again. . .ewwww THEY SHOW HIS FACE AGAIN! GAAAAAAAAAHH!! THEY NEED SURGERY!! WHERE'S PROCTOR? Faith, go yell at her. Good girl. "It's Bosco's gun." I am really feeling for Faith now. And CRUZ, STOP TRYING TO! YOU SUCK AT IT! Uh-oh. . .defibbing (is that how you spell it?) *hides eyes*

Ty's passed out from all the ass kicking and Monroe comes to. "Sasha? I'm going to be really sore in the morning." Oh lmao. That's another giggle moment.

Jelly, I don't think anyone cares about your gun or your new suit.

"Get over yourself." Bwhahaha. Go Faith!

Papa Bear has lost track of his cubs. And he's still bleeding. Lemme get a band-aid honey. . *giggle*. Aww, Cruz is trying to care. Can't fool me.

"Dead?" No, you idjit, he's just playing possum.

"You look like crap." It's not full Sul/Ty banter, but I'll take it. . .*snicker* "I didn't ask if it was his or not." *smirk* Ok, boys, next time on the same page.

They remove his crucifix and asks for a chaplin. . .yikes! *hides eyes*

So the doc wants to x-ray Ty's ribs and stitch up Sul. . .he dun like that idea. Hey, my offer still stands. No. . . wait, don't chicken out sweetie. I won't stab you with a fork. Promise.

"Cops." LOL!! Oh God. . .totally forgot about Rose. I wouldn't want to be the one that has to tell her. .*heart breaking already*

PAPA SWERSKY! WHEEE! "What the hell happened here?" Ok, thank you Lieu. . .you are now King of the Obvious. He gets caught up to speed and Swersky want to talk to the driver of the car. No such luck. "He's being bagged and tagged right now." *smirk* Oh, Swersky's upset.

LIGHTBULB MOMENT! (Someone uses his brain!) "Let this Donald Mann think that Bosco, Faith and Cruz are out of commission." Papa Bear rocks. (A side note. It looked to me that Mr. Sudduth lost weight during summer hiatus. I notice these things).

Bad dood doesn't know anything Cruz. Leave him be! Uh-oh. Swersky's yelling! Papa Swersky doesn't like it when he has to yell. But it's cool to see him yell. I don't know why, but it is. *smile*

"Was that before or after he threw you out the window?" *snicker* Levine standing up for Kim because Grace is such a bitch. "She saved my life." Rock on!

The doctor is complimenting Grace on the tracheotomy. *Yawn* Grace needs to either get over herself real quick or be knocked down a peg or two. I choose the latter. And pick me to do it!!

Swersky, I love thee, but don't stop Faith. At least not now. She should be the one to tell Rose.

Yoshi trying to act like he cares about what happened. I seriously don't buy this.

Faith goes to tell Rose. Oh my. . .need a tissue. My heart is breaking for Rose. . .she just lost her other son and was almost killed herself. Poor Rose! .*tear*

Yoshi, you, are a complete IDIOT! Faith is listening. . .uh-oh.

Kim tells Grace to shut up. About damn time. And then Kim gets a call from Jimmy. She tells him she's pregnant and he proposes again. Carlos and Levine like it. Grace, well, she's just a bitch. Ok, Kim, we get the picture. Now just go away.

Cruz leads Yoshi out at gunpoint and Faith follows. She asks to borrow Jelly's RMP and he gives her the keys. Wait! Papa Bear senses something is going on. . .What could it be??

Ahhh! Is Mann leaving?

Cruz, a couple things: Stop yelling, I have a headache, and look in your rearview mirror.

Kim tells Carlos that she's not going to be there tomorrow, how she wants to be a wife and mother, how she can't do this anymor. . .*snooze*. We get it Kim. Goodbye and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

The assistant takes a flying leap! Ok, that's gonna leave a mark. Cruz handcuffs Yoshii and heads for the roof. Ahh!! He's there!. He tells her to enjoy the limited time she has left. "You think because I go to jail for a few hours, it's all over? This one be over until all three. . ." GUNSHOTS! AHHH! Faith! Faith. . .holy jeebus! GAH! *jaw drops*


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