Quotes from ...and Zeus Wept

Emily: I can wear what I want.
Faith: Since when? What, did I die and suddenly this became a democracy?

Bosco: She's cute.
Faith: Who?
Bosco: Emily. She's gonna have nice legs.
Faith: She's twelve.
Bosco: If I were twelve, I'd do her.
Faith: Bosco, this conversation's over.

Doc: So now what? We ban video games and movies and TV and we leave the guns on the street for any kid with fifty bucks?
Carlos: The right to bear arms is in the Constitution, Doc.
Doc: Yeah, yeah, so was slavery, we changed that.
Carlos: After a civil war. I think like half a million people died.

Faith: It's not supposed to be like this. This isn't the world I want. This isn't the world I want. It's not supposed to be like this.

Faith: We gotta hold our kids, Fred. We gotta hold 'em close every day.

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