Quotes from Faith

Faith: Every so often it's like I come out out of a fog... the fog of my everyday life. The bills, and the kids, the laundry, and the cleaning, my job, and my marriage. For a day, or sometimes even two, something lifts, and suddenly I can see myself clearly... the choices I've made, the hundreds of small decisions that have come to be the sum total of my life. The last week of August of this year, just before Labor Day, was one of those times. And if only for a moment, I could see my life for what it really is: good... and bad. And I made some decicions, both right... and wrong.

Bosco: I thought morning sickness was supposed to happen in the morning.

Faith: Now that's gonna be a lot of paperwork.

Faith: Let me tell you something, Bosco. The girl's like a hooker in the sack? She didn't pick it up reading Cosmo.

Faith: I want more, Holly. Don't you want more? When did this become my life?

Faith: It was just before Labor Day. Fred's softball team had made the playoffs and I had forgotten to pay the electric bill... and wild Nicole had broke up with Bosco. The rape suspect we caught was identified by all three of his victims, and I lied to my husband about something important for the first time in ten years of marriage. I'm not sure we ever know if the decicions we make are right or wrong. I'm afraid they're usually a little of both.

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