Quotes from Duty

Sully to Tatiana: My clothes look a hell of a lot better on you than they do on me.

Bosco: I had a weird dream last night.
Faith: Did it involve a supermodel and did she escape.
Bosco: I can be deeper than that, y'know.

Sully: Y'know, I was really happy this morning.
Ty: Yeah?
Sully: Yeah. I won't make that make mistake again.

Kim: Who made the coffee today?
Carlos: Oh, don't worry, I didn't go near it.

Doc: Hey, don't worry about it.
Carlos: Accidents happen. I dropped a bottle of epi last week.
Doc: Dropped? You threw it at me.
Carlos: You were being an ass again.

Faith: Gary Cooper never forgot his pants!

Sully: You ever notice how the only time a lawyer will look you in the eye is when he's asking you a question he already knows the answer to?

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